Attracting and fostering talent begins in the early stages of learning.


True to this maxim, we have developed a system of partnerships with educational centres, from institutes to universities and business schools, as well as associations and vocational training centres.


With them, we create programmes that train our team in key areas such as: legaltech, sustainable development, inclusion, functional diversity, social impact, gender equality...


We do not believe in tedious selection processes. We are aware that relationships, regardless of their nature, are based on mutual respect and the opening of an honest dialogue through direct contact between the candidates and the professionals of the firm.

Being part of Mariscal Avocats is the guarantee of support in the development of your profile. We listen to you in order to encourage all your skills.

Whatever your project may be, we integrate it into our values, making you feel from the outset that you will be a fundamental pillar of the team of which you will form part.


We are constantly growing, which is why we review each and every application we receive. Do not hesitate to fill in the form below.

To be a great professional, you have to be a great person first.




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4. Talent


Attracting and fostering talent begins in the early stages of learning.


True to this maxim, we have developed a system of partnerships with educational centres, from institutes to universities and business schools, as well as associations and vocational training centres.


With them, we create programmes that train our team in key areas such as: legaltech, sustainable development, inclusion, functional diversity, social impact, gender equality...


We do not believe in tedious selection processes. We are aware that relationships, regardless of their nature, are based on mutual respect and the opening of an honest dialogue through direct contact between the candidates and the professionals of the firm.


Being part of Mariscal Avocats is the guarantee of support in the development of your profile. We listen to you in order to encourage all your skills. Whatever your project may be, we integrate it into our values, making you feel from the outset that you will be a fundamental pillar of the team of which you will form part.


We are constantly growing, which is why we review each and every application we receive. Do not hesitate to fill in the form below.


To be a great professional, you have to be a great person first.





(Sections in TALENT: individual application form (suggested format: https://www.august-debouzy.com/fr/talents#candidature + collaboration form for universities, business schools, vocational training centres, associations...)

Implementation & referencing Simplébo
